Friday, March 5, 2010

Exhibiting at the Autumn Gift Fair...

Tomorrow morning we are up to Auckland to set up our stand at the Autumn Gift Fair (Trade Show). This will be our third time exhibiting - and each time we become a little more fine tuned. Found some fantastic 'plinths' on Trade Me - four of them - which is great as we have a corner site and this will stop punters 'taking a short cut' through our stand like last time!

I thought the plinths were made of wood - but when we collected them I discovered they were made from corrugated plastic - like the realtor for 'sale boards' - so really really light and fold right down - which anyone who has done shows will realize is a God send!

This year we are promoting our greeting cards. Thought long and hard about how we were going to display them 'on the cheap' as we have no spare dosh (it all went on actually paying for the site!) and went to Mitre 10 for inspiration! Delighted to find some plastic strips with a 'lip' - which means the cards can 'sit' and not fall off - they are super light - which means they will stay up with some velcro - and best of all, only $5 for a metre strip - so only paid $60 all up to display over 200 cards - wicked!

Will get some photos tomorrow of our progress...

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